Tuesday, April 10, 2018

A kiss in Morocco became a National Talk

A young Moroccan Teenager with his American girl's friend becoming a national interest in Morocco in the last week, and that came after he Surprised his girlfriend and propose in one of the biggest malls in Morocco and all Africa, That's what makes the girl kiss him after she said yes.

But even with this great moment, the couple was having another surprise from the people who see's that thought he shouldn't kiss her in public. In Morocco is not a common thing to kiss your lover in the society and most of the Moroccans see's that as inappropriate or even disgusting.

This Islamic country despite is the most open in the Arab world, but the public still has some Reservations on such these things.

the Girl response to the media "I didn't think that my kiss will make all this attention because it's normal in my country but it's okay now I know that every culture is deferent".